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the self-love journey Arlene De Angelis


the self-love journey Arlene De Angelis red dressed blonde girls love themselves

Embarking on a journey of self-love is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. Firstly, it cultivates a deep sense of self-acceptance, allowing us to embrace strengths and weaknesses without judgment. Additionally, self-love empowers us to set healthy boundaries, prioritize our well-being, and engage in self-care practices. Lastly, it fosters a positive mindset and enhances resilience, enabling one to navigate life’s challenges confidently and gracefully.

Why should we embark on a journey of self-love? 

Further, to overcome your story and become your vision.

a girl reflected in a mirror placed in the sand in front of the sea

Start here:

If you’ve found yourself in a cycle of repetitive patterns, not achieving the results you’ve been striving for, ❤️You feel uneasy because your life doesn’t align with your true purpose or how you should live.
❤️Or feeling like your efforts aren’t being rewarded.❤️
Or perhaps you are ready to create an extraordinary life but don’t know where to start.

You might be entangled by past traumatic experiences that deeply impacted you. Or implied in someone else’s unfinished story carrying the weight of your lineage.

a heart shaped red drawing on a sunset

In either case, fear not cause You’re not alone.

Above all, change is always possible, and you have the power to create a life that truly aligns with your purpose and wildest dreams.

I’m here by your side to free you and make it happen for you.

a heart shaped treble clef the self-love journey logo

Our game-changing processes will guide you toward embodying the power of love and transforming your life. 

a red arrow pointing down

Life-changing programs and experiences

One-on-one sessionsThe Self-Love JourneyLove your Body Back to Life
Integrative Healing through Systemic Constellations
Systemic & Energy Movements

Uncover and overcome the hidden patterns behind unloving challenges and situations.
Ultimate Intensive Mentorship To Create a Life You Love

Comprehensive program

Self-Love and Life Creation
Tailor-made intensive program for deep healing

By letting go of what you’ve withheld that no longer serves you or was never yours,
Thus, Life again has a chance to flow through you.
Learn More about One-on-one Sessions

“It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’

Actually, who are you not to be?”

Marianne Williamson

Allow yourself to fall in love with you
You’ll love it

The Self-Love Journey is a profound understanding that all outcomes in life stem from within.

a red heart with a white background

It’s nonsense to keep fighting against the image reflected in the mirror.

The Self-Love Journey

Therefore, embracing and uncluttering our inner image with love and acceptance while eliminating everything we’re not is the transformative path to creating a life we truly love.

By spotting, revealing, and overcoming barriers and blocks, such as subconscious programming and past and inherited traumas, preventing us from fully loving ourselves, we can mirror a renewed, empowered, loving self-image on the outside, thereby transforming our lives.

a red spiral on a white background

Self-love heart rate

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

Maya Angelou

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