About grief: Concepts to help you cope

About grief

Thinking out loud about grief:

When you lose someone or something, you might be faced with deep emotions that drown you. Therefore, that’s one hard part about grief.

While looking for information on the subject for personal consumption and to better help my clients in my private practice as a systemic therapist, I recently came upon this lovely reflection on grief.

Then, on the GOODREADS website and blog:

I’ve learned that it’s really just love.
It’s all the love you want to give but cannot.
All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest.
Grief is just love with no place to go.

By Jamie Anderson, a profesional gold medal Olimpic winner snowboarder.

So, I know, I know—at the end of the day, I’m a bit of a romantic, aren’t I?

About grief
Arlene De Angelis, Picture taken in 2023

Anyway, I kept thinking about it. By now, you already know how it goes with me, right?

I wondered about it for a while and concluded it wasn’t true.

Is not true

We think that our love has no place to go, and

It’s not true.

Above all, we suffer because of the lies we tell ourselves about love. Perhaps we don’t understand the nature of love itself yet.

We are failing because we think an external cause causes the love we feel, the object of our affection, the other person.

And maybe because of that, we are failing by thinking that love can no longer go.

Love comes from within.

It’s a frequency at which you are vibing. Something you emanate or emote and direct towards someone or something.

And what’s the point? What’s the difference it makes? You might be wondering…

Well, If you are grieving the physical loss of a loved one, let’s say you became conscious of the fact that the love you feel for them comes from within you: you can keep loving them, sending love, sharing love, and honouring them in your daily lives.

You’ll still miss them, of course, but love will flow instead of being stuck or stagnated. Same with people that are no longer in your life for any reason. And I mean ANY REASON. Keep loving them…

If you succeed in doing so, love can become a thriving force in you instead of a burden.

At the end of the day, love is who you are. You can turn all that love inward and radiate it all around.

Imagine how beautiful life can become if you practice this.

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I'm Arlene, the blogger behind "The Self-Love Journey."My path to understanding life has led me to realize life is a mirror that reflects what you hold dear.Thus, a life you love can only come from the love within. Its absence may lead to all sorts of unwanted results and perceived troubles, but its presence has the power to transform your world.Through exploring life's functioning, human consciousness, energy healing, and philosophical and mystical traditions, I'll guide you to uncover and overcome everything keeping you from loving yourself.One of the tools on which I rely in this process is Systemic Family Constellations, a therapeutic approach that helps to reveal hidden dynamics within a family or other social system.Here to lead you to self-love and create a life you love.Nowadays, I am a systemic family constellation practitioner, healer, and trauma student, and I occasionally consider myself a Civil Engineer M.C.M.I'm also a Free-spirit wanderlust, a mystic girl who loves beauty, nature, laughter, books, optimism, and, of course, loves love.

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